refining sounds

a lost GPS

What is a GPS's function?
It indicates current location relative to the world map

My current location on the physical plane
is facilitated through available devices

For other planes of existence, there are different ways -
some personal, some external

For relationships - it could be shared understanding of the relationship
Richness of depth or shared context

For monetary wealth - it could be feeling of stability
or progress towards financial independence

For emotional/mental plane - it could be how long i can maintain a happy emotional equilibrium
or how independently i can rationalise

For life - this is a bit contrary since life doesn't have absolutes
to know where i am, i may need to figure out where I want to go
but where i want to go keeps changing so it is a relative measure that perhaps always keeps changing
and never leads to fulfillment

But as it usually is with things that are contrary,
there could be simpler ways -
a question - here and now, where am I?

In the here and now - the now is the anchor.
Here is where i am physically - it has to be aligned with other planes - i need to be here mentally, emotionally - be here with the entire being, to follow through with the role prescribed for the where

Here and now -> where i am
where i am -> what i need to do

at work, work
at dinner, eat
at bed time, sleep
at playtime, play
at freetime, be free

in front of the child, a parent
in front of the parent, a child

now is the anchor
and here shows the role to execute